söndag 21 mars 2010

H.P. Wodehouse

Books by Howard Philips Wodehouse in the popular "Cthulhu"-series:

My Man Cthulhu
The Inimiable Cthulhu
Carry On, Cthulhu
Very Good, Cthulhu
Thank You, Cthulhu
Right Ho, Cthulhu
Ring for Cthluhu
Cthulhu and the Feudal Spirit
Cthulhu in the Offing
Stiff Upper Lip, Cthulhu
Much Obliged, Cthulhu

lördag 6 mars 2010

Self-portraits Inverted

(just fooling around...)


The scanner is busted. I took some photos of some self-portraits I've done. Enjoy.